Earthy Goodness Jupiter's magnificence shines through fixed earth sign Taurus for a whole juicy year! We find hope, through creature comforts, moments of biting into the succulence of life at its more ripe and flavorful. The natural and organic has knowledge to transmit. The living library of Earth is a source of wisdom, and can be the inspiration for a sense of the bigger picture.
Jupiter is the great encourager, and what excellent timing, for those allying with the planet. There's so much to learn -- about earth energies, making a living (in line with our values), and growing things exponentially in our lives. One heirloom seed can lead to a whole row, and so on, until the landscape is buzzing with new life.
This is a year to focus on what feels authentic, enduring and rich with substance. When you invest your creative energy into that true thing (or things) you love, it all grows big.
Jupiter's year in Taurus (June 2011 to June 2012) A year for big productions that take time. A solid return on your investment. The calm confidence to do it right. A year to make it real.
Working diligently toward a ripening of your efforts. Rewards for being thorough, avoiding short cuts. Finding a steady rhythm of progress. The faith and patience to see it through. Artistry that embodies your values. A work of substance. Habits of productivity. Stabilizing your impulses, turning a passion into your vocation. Hands-on, tactile, pleasurable, sensual.
Life is Good Slow food. Grounded and rooted (like a tree). Grassroots with a sense of place. Working hard, toward a goal that's worth it. Being realistic and planning out the steps.
Creating the conditions for success over time. Being a solid friend, parent, partner, collaborator.
The Artful Life Sculpture, dance, music, visual arts, architecture and design. Integrating human life into nature and vice versa. Inspired by harmony of natural patterns, healing frequencies. Native dances, instinctual rhythms. Admiring craftsmanship, artisan bakers and perfumers, becoming a cottage industry, marketing beauty. Mastering form, or a technique, creating a body of work.
Creating Wealth Tangible exchange, barter, discerning value. Precious metals, tools, a sunny patch to garden, self-sufficiency. Covering the basics, and building to thrive. Earth-based building materials.
Craftiness. Making most of your resources. DIY. Combining wealth in community -- commonwealth. Allying to grow a business, a garden, a food collective. Sharing the bounty. Harvest time.
Traveling Taurus: Ways of using resources around the Earth. Sharing innovative solutions for practical, everyday challenges. Integrating values in business. Local initiatives based on a need. Flourishing together. Exquisite cultures -- dances, textiles, food traditions, native flora and fauna, architecture, music, societal ways of living with nature (not outside it).
Natural law, save the natural humans and biological life, earthling rights. Visions of restoring Earth as paradise, and Source of life. Dignity of all living things. Instinct to understand profound interconnectedness -- the web of life.
Under Cultivation Taurus is a natural gardener, so watch the garden revolution take off with Jupiter in Taurus! More are re-discovering the satisfaction of watching things grow from a tiny seed. The whole of Earth can flourish and be re-seeded, restored as a lush, abundant host for life. Jupiter's time here makes it a pleasure to harmonize with nature, and find our footing, as growers, stewards and co-creators with biological life.
Innovations: grow domes, hydroponics, rooftop and urban re-greening, opting for natural landscapes, permaculture (harmonizing what you grow), organics.
Leading Edges: Jupiter restores faith through Earth wisdom. Resurgence of interest in plant wisdom, nature devas, inter-species communication, Earth ley lines & power spots (vortexes).
Using this metaphor, what does your garden require for more lush growth? More light, more water, more fertilizer, cross-pollination?
Venus Rules (Taurus) Fertility. Quality of life -- relaxation, leisure time, massage, erotic intimacy. Voluptuous roundness, femininity, soothing atmospheres. Drawing out your natural beauty. Experiencing pleasure, animal powers, lust.
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