Now, stay informed with these top astronomy and space magazines which deal with astronomy & astronomers as well as space exploration from the early days into the future. Discover new space and astronomy magazines to bring you the news that interests you.
The first issue, August 1973, held 48 pages and five feature articles, plus information about what to see in the night sky that month. Since that time, Astronomy Magazine has grown into one of the preeminent magazines of astronomy in the world. I try to read it faithfully every month.
Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum is one of my favorite museums in the world. When I can't visit there, this magazine is the next best thing. Plus, find fascinating articles about new great achievements and technology in the aviation and space fields.
The "old man" of astronomy magazines, Sky & Telescope Magazine has been around since 1941. I find they break things down to a simple enough level that even i can figure it out. S&T covers the full range of astronomy, from anateur to professional.
While not strictly an an astronomy or space magazine, Discover covers a wide range of scientific interests. If you already read other astronomy magazines and still want more, then consider adding this subscription.
The name of this magazine really says it all for me. I've been a reader for years to learn more about many topics of interest to me. While it's not strictly an astronomy magazine, there are often many fascinating articles on the topic.
While many of us do not usually think of Popular Mechanics when we think of astronomy & space magazines, it often has many great articles, especially dealing with space exploration. I've enjoyed reading it for years.
While Scientific American is concerned with scince and the future in general, it often discusses astronomy issues.
I've only recently begun reading an occasional issue of Science weekly, but it has been around for more than 75 years. Great articles and breaking news in this weekly magazine.
OK, it has often been said that I've never grown up, but can you blame me when kids get such great reading material? While it's designed for grades 5 and up, I've enjoyed many issues of Odyssey, myself.
Natural History has some great illustrations. While it's not an astronomy magazine, there are often some great articles about our own planet.
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