New Moon in Virgo themes: wisdom of the body; purification; natural solutions; enjoying the process; putting things in order; the simple life; true essentials; finishing what you've started; practical wisdom; picking apart to discover what's wrong; intricate systems and patterns; handling the details; finding beauty in the particular.
New Moons can be deeply renewing, and a time to rest in the dark. We're passing through the atmosphere of Virgo (exact on August 30th, 3:58 pm EDT), a sign of healing, and constant tweaking on the path to wholeness. The chart shows the Sun, Moon and Saturn together in earth, so that creating beauty and efficiency in the real world, becomes serious business. Virgo is the most flexible (mutable) of all the Earth signs, and what's initiated now can be seen as a work in progress. With Saturn's weighty presence, you can find the discipline to set new healthy habits in motion.
Virgo has a gift for quality control, and it's a sign that doesn't take short cuts. It's also the analyzer, a thinking sign that has to come to its own logical conclusion. The energies now help you sift through the deluge of information out there, especially about health and well-being, and lift out the kernels of solid info. Virgo has a sixth sense to hone in to what's untainted, pure, and full of wholesome goodness.
This lunation brings back the simple pleasure that comes from being productive. It's back-to-school time, when students of all ages, impulsively start to get their No. 2 pencils in order, line up books and make sure the sock and underwear drawers are filled. The season is the harvest, and traditionally, it's a busy time of picking and canning, putting up food for the long winter. Saturn, is the planet of time, and this pins us down to the duties and responsibilities of the season. But rather than being heavy, it can be an anchor that roots you into a sense of place. Look for ways to feel more intimately connected to the processes of nature, through gardening, cultivating skills in an artform, or going deeper with a healing practice.
One fallout from the new Moon could be that you feel covered in icky not rightness. There are discordant energies that take could spin out on Virgo's ability to find flaws and harp on them. Virgo reflects back what's toxic, not functioning, dirty, shameful, tucked away, and as a guide, can go overboard to bring the message home. Make a list of what's up for review, for self-improvement, but be patient with where you are, and forgiving of where you've fallen short of your own standards.
This new Moon can be seen as an initiation for the body, into the realities of the changing Earth. There are some reports now, that the Earth's outer core is actually sloshing around, and that's altering the magnetic field outside the planet's atmosphere. See this National Geographic article for more of the science behind it. I recently came across astrologer Alan Leo's description of Saturn in earth signs as "decidedly electro-magnetic, mainly electric and vitalizing in the planet, and receptive in the sign." He gives Virgo an astral or psychic sensitiveness. [From the Book, Saturn by Alan Leo]
It's not known whether this is part of a long polar shift, or if Earth is being disturbed by the return of a companion Sun to our own with a long elliptical orbit, called Planet X. Whatever the reason, it's clear the Earth is changing, and the quakes, tsunamis and eruptions are a symptom of her disturbance. With Virgo's prescience, or ability to know at some psychic level, this new Moon can bring dreams or visions of what's going on. Virgo is earthwise. What's fascinating to me, is the idea that our bodies, as part of the Earth, will need to quickly adapt to the changes of the Earth. With the influx of new vibes, our bodies will need to adjust. The magnetic field around the Earth is our protective bubble, and some scholars of 2012 say that these changes are speeding up our evolution. That our isolation is ending, and a new era of being part of the larger galaxy is beginning.
This new Moon is, then, a profound moment to listen to the Earth and its upheavals, with the potential of becoming psychically attune to what's going on. Virgo's wisdom now gives us the ability to change and shift, and morph into the best physical vehicle for this particular moment in time (Saturn).
Mars, Venus and Mercury in Libra: The balancing, feminine, cardinal energies of Libra add to the sense that it's a time of corrective events, harmonizing, evening out. Libra brings light to confused areas, so a well-rounded picture of a situation emerges.
Jupiter in Capricorn forms a supportive trine to the Sun, Moon and Saturn in Virgo. Your intentions, when they're Saturn-approved (tests of character), get a boost from Jupiter, and are expanded into things that last. Going with the Flow can be the smartest strategy now, and lead to Jupiter's opportunities to expand in a big way.
The body is our vehicle to get through time and space. How we treat it matters, and comes back to us in ease or dis-ease. The body is a reflection of our thoughts, too, and that's where more harmonious thoughts (Libra) set us on a new path. Each of us is reacting to the environment, on a physical level, and yet this is something we share as our collective natural system. That makes this new Moon an ideal time for new commitments to the Earth, both singly, or as part of a mass effort.
Suggestions for the new Moon in Virgo: Check out the Earth Meditation or come up with your own; Cut out something evil from your diet; Sign up for yoga classes; Clean out the closet, desk, car, medicine cabinet; Look into non-toxic alternatives, such as for cleaning; Research natural cures and therapies.