Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Astrology: What's Hot Now: 2011 Horoscopes

Astrology: What's Hot Now
These articles that had the largest increase in popularity over the last week // via
2011 Horoscopes
Aug 17th 2011, 10:00

"Today's Mighty Oak is Just Yesterday's Nut That Held Its Ground." Anonymous

Jupiter is in cardinal fire Aries, then moves into fixed earth Taurus on June 4th, 2011. It's a compelling astrological storyline, where today's break from the crowd, as an individual, becomes your ground to stand on. Aries means growing from your own internal cues of what's next, following that gut instinct. What bright, clear enthusiasms will be brought into being (in Aries), that are then fully fleshed out in Taurus?

What's been on my mind with this is, what planets and which house(s) are the hotspots for Jupiter's expansion? Jupiter Aries says, go for it, move out beyond your comfort zone. Break out of the trance of consensus reality. Stop deferring to others, and unfurl yourself, especially where you've played small so others don't get alarmed.

The Aries active initiation on many fronts, turns into digging deeper in, and establishing the foundation for something enduring. It's lucky Jupiter's mid-year move from Aries (the spark) to Taurus (taking root), to set in motion, then consolidate whatever you're reaching for, that's at your personal frontier. If you feel like a neophyte, join the club! Aries is the absolute beginner. There's freedom to shake off ideas about who you are, and just discover your edges through action and risk. This brings exuberant moments of saying, "I can't believe I just did that!"

Wherever Jupiter shows up, faith is restored. In Aries, it's an exciting boost for anything you've held back before, or spontaneous plans that come up and just feel right.

The fire of Aries is inspiration, and then comes the settling in of Taurus. Your personal will power gets stoked, to a degree that makes almost anything seem possible. It's the confidence to set out on your unique path. There might be a few false starts, with Jupiter in Aries, but this is part of the joy of discovery.

Tips for Jupiter Aries
  • Breathe life into any dreams that have been with you since you were young.
  • Dare to excel, and break away from the dullness of mediocrity, and "getting by."
  • Confront voices within and without that discourage you from trying.
  • Nip habits of self-sabotage in the bud.
  • Dare to be driven, ambitious, animated, inspiring.
  • Spend time alone, free of distractions, to tune in to your own creative impulses.
Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter's excitements are earthed in Taurus, by June 4th, and then will rendezvous with make-it-real-or-else Pluto in early July. Many have felt ungrounded by all the changes in 2011 (as of this writing March 22, 2011). As Jupiter allies with Pluto, a more solidly constructed foundation can start to take shape. Or you see more clearly what's a false bottom, and what needs to be probed deeper. As you did with Jupiter Aries "hot spots," you can see where Jupiter then moves into the firm rootedness of Taurus. Which house, and which planets are sites for expanded beauty, nourishment, earthy pleasure, accomplishment and calm?

The riches with Jupiter Taurus are found in your natural talents, and resources that serve your soul. You find big growth opportunities when you make FULL use of everything you've got. While Aries is about self-styled creativity, Jupiter in Taurus brings growth through capability, self-sufficiency, and living your values.

Tips for Jupiter in Taurus
  • Gain specific skills, to go with your passion.
  • Add substance to your style.
  • Establish yourself firmly, from the inspirations of the first half of the year.
  • Put down roots in fertile places.
  • Draw the resources you need, and build from the ground up.
  • Create with durability in mind, and artfulness.
  • Share your gifts, in the spirit of abundance.

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