Dates Saturn is in Libra from October 29, 2009 to April 7, 2010; and then -- after a retrograde back into Virgo -- from July 21, 2010 to October 5, 2012.
Exalted! In astrology, the planet Saturn is form, the concrete outline of our lives, stability, realism and authority. Libra is the cardinal (initiating) air (ideas) sign.
Classical (Greek-based) astrology categorizes Saturn as exalted when it's in Libra. Saturn is less gripped by fear in Libra, because of the clear sight that lends some objectivity. Saturn in Libra brings weight to concepts of justice, harmonious relating, seeing yourself in the Other. So Saturn's authority is less likely to be harsh, since there's a built-in fairness to Libra, and as air, it moves through ideas, language, concepts.
Striving for Balance With Saturn in Libra, there's more pressure to see that our relationships are on solid ground. Libra is the sign of the Lovers, and it's in committed love relationships where we're tested day in and day out. But Saturn in Libra intensifies all our one-on-ones, testing them for fairness and durability.
This includes relating to our business partners, close friends, children or even the public at large. We look at how our behavior affects others, and vice versa. Are you holding up your end of the bargain? Or maybe you're carrying more than your share. It's a time of seeking to find a harmonious order, or to break out of relating habits that are too limiting.
Real Love There's an air of seriousness during this transit, as we look at our relationship commitments. We may decide to end the ones that don't seem part of the emerging life structure. Or they will be ended for us. If you've been rejected by someone in this time of Saturn in Libra, keep in mind that Saturnian energies block our path. It cuts off people, situations, jobs that are not serving us anymore, or they've run their karmic course.
Saturn in Libra drives home the importance of give and take, and doing unto others, what they would have us do to them. Many will form commitments that are meant to endure through challenging times.
Committed Conscience If we let things slide before in the ethics dept, Saturn holds our feet to the fire. We get serious about demanding integrity in our leaders.
With Saturn in Libra, we are not satisfied with superficial answers to questions of the day. There's a pressure to weigh all sides of an issue, to come to the illuminated truth. The noted Egyptologist G. Massey said, "They must find it difficult.....those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority." This sums up the Saturn's run-in with embedded power in its square to Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn in Libra stirs the conscience, and keeps provoking the abuse of power-authority until there's an explosion of change.
The Other Narrative Libra knows there are two sides to every story. With Saturn in Libra, we face our fears and look at life from the other's perspective. This can cause a shock to the consciousness, especially when the other's way of seeing is so different.
Saturn in Libra makes another's world as real as our own. This gives us the ability to take that into account when we're making decisions, especially when they impact others. This could spark a wave of involvement in activities that strive for balance, justice, restoring harmony & peace.
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