There are four Mercury retrograde cycles in 2010, all in earth signs. In a year that's bound to be one of dramatic change, these periods give us time to get grounded. They are times of slowing down, and sometimes mechanical breakdowns, or missed communications. The earth sign Mercury review allows us to tend to the practical matters, and suss out what's solid in our lives.
December 26th, 2009 to January 15th, 2010: The New Year begins with the Mercury retrograde in Capricorn. It begins at 22 degrees Capricorn and cycles back to 5 degrees. It will be in direct shadow -- covering old ground, but in forward motion -- until February 4th, when it returns to 22 degrees.
This time may bring a review of finances. The mind reaches into the past, weighing what has timeless value, substance, staying power, etc. We reflect on life purpose, our role in society and personal power. There may be impressions about our life structures, and musing about long term achievement. The shadow side of patriarchy gets scrutinized from new angles, along with its authoritarian excesses. We can find unexpected resonance with the Earth, through direct contact with nature and the elements.
April 18th to May 11th: Mercury goes retrograde at 12 degrees Taurus, the most careful and deliberate of earth signs. Taurus is the builder, and with these eyes, we can perceive what's do-able, what can be built with the resources at hand. This is a break, a slow down, and chance to regroup. Mercury goes back to 2 degrees Taurus, before going direct on May 11th.
Mercury retraces its steps in direct shadow until it hits 12 degrees Taurus on May 28th. In that period of direct shadow (May 11th to May 28th), what's flimsy can be shored up. You get a realistic view of what's salvageable from the past.
Mercury Rx in Virgo, 2010 August 20th to September 12th: Mercury goes retrograde at 19 degrees Virgo, the sign of fine tuning. The retrograde is back to 5 degrees Virgo on September 12th. Mercury is in direct shadow through to September 27th, when it cycles forward to 19 degrees again.
This retrograde can be a time of tinkering and tying up loose ends. There can be minor frustrations that add up, especially in the work place. Watch out for errors on paperwork that cause hassles later. You can refine your day, and come up with alternate plans, like walking down a different path to work. It's a good time for editing and finishing touches.
Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn/Sagittarius from December 10th to December 30th: The last Mercury retrograde of the year begins in Capricorn at 5 degrees. This brings us full circle, with a year-end look at how well we've used our resources. Mercury retrogrades back into visionary Sagittarius on the 19th, until going direct on the 30th at 19 degrees Sagittarius.
This retrograde is a progress report, after a tumultuous year. We can look at ways of adapting that we didn't consider before. Being flexible and quick to jump on unexpected opportunities open side portals to growth.
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