When is It? From August 20th to September 12th. The shadow period -- when Mercury is in the degrees it will retrograde began July 12th at 5 degrees Virgo. Mercury will leave direct Shadow -- crossing these degrees -- on September 27th, at 19 degrees Virgo, where the retrograde first began.
This is the third Mercury retrograde for 2010, all of which have been in earth signs. These timeframes in 2010 draw the focus back to real life observations, often to do with day-to-day living. See also, Mercury Rx in Real Life
Review of the Situation Virgo is a sign that's present to its environment. Mercury Virgo analyzes everything, going over the details again and again. Mercury retrograde is a time to look at it again, but in a thorough, realistic way. Nothing slips past Mercury Virgo, and details missed the first time are woven back into the story.
Watch out for analysis paralysis and getting stuck on insignificant minutia. Mercury Virgo is a flexible mental current, though, with a drive toward integrating facts into the whole picture. This aids those needing to make important decisions, based on head-spinning changes happening for many these days.
Mix-Ups and Missed Signals - Statements made now that defy logic could come back to haunt.
- Splitting hairs, arguments over petty details.
- Misdiagnoses or confusion about cause of health problems.
- Getting lost from mis-reading maps.
- Misunderstanding due to wording of email or sign.
Some possible Mercury Virgo Rx Themes - Picking up quick training or retraining for a position.
- Acting on the need for a healthier living situation.
- The fine detailing for a home improvement, garden or art project.
- Finding ways to reduce toxic exposure from food, air, water.
- Getting info that alerts you to health dangers, and acting on it.
- Managing your time well, cutting out things that don't bring anything back.
- Finding alternative ways of sharing expenses, in a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Great Time to - Declutter your home or office.
- Stock up on basics (food, first aid, water filter, SEEDS).
- Detox and integrate eating habits that boost well being.
- Review for a test (to take after the Rx cycle).
- Reconnect with someone you helped, or who helped you.
- Lift up others in practical ways (a ride, a meal).
- Give away what you're not using -- things that others could use.
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