Sunday, July 31, 2011

Astrología: Most Popular Articles: Características de Júpiter

Astrología: Most Popular Articles
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Características de Júpiter
Jul 31st 2011, 10:13

Tipo: Planeta social

Elemento: Fuego

Palabra clave: Extroversión social

Significador: Expansión

Día de la semana: Jueves

Sexo: Masculino

Carga: Eléctrica, positiva, trasmisor

Regente de: Sagitario

Exhaltado en: Cáncer

Exiliado en: Géminis

Caída en: Capricornio

Casa natural: IX - Extranjero, viajes largos, filosofía de vida

Ciclo alrededor del zodíaco: 12 años

Color: azul pálido

Dioses: Zeus, Júpiter

Algunas analogías:

  • Júpiter es el mayor planeta del sistema solar. Todo en él es a lo grande, expansivo.

  • Magnifica todo lo que toca. Es abundancia ilimitada en todos los planos.

  • Su generosidad se equipara a su benevolencia.

  • Es alegría de vivir, risa y jovialidad.

  • Es entusiasta y facilita la solución de toda clase de problemas.

  • Su maestría espiritual le confiere la autoridad que ejerce sin vacilación.

  • Si no está favorecido en el horóscopo, puede ser derrochador, jugador, déspota e imprudente.

En resumen, Júpiter es comparable a lo social, el padre, la abundancia, la independencia, los ideales, el emperador, la sabiduría, la negligencia, el despotismo, la imprudencia, el aventurero.

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Astrology: What's Hot Now: Dark Moon

Astrology: What's Hot Now
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Dark Moon
Jul 31st 2011, 10:01

When is the Dark Moon? :

Also known as the "dead" Moon, this is the time when there is no solar reflection, leaving the lunar face in darkness. The dark lasts about three days before the new crescent appears.

Is this the same as the New Moon?:

For many, the new Moon begins at the moment of the Sun-Moon conjunction, but for others it remains the dark Moon until that crescent is in view. As the Moon wanes toward those final days of darkness, there's often a turn inward. In those contemplative moments, the inner reality is presented through dreams and waking visions. It's fertile ground for the new Moon intentions to be conjured.

How does the Dark Moon differ from the New Moon?:

The dark of the Moon is the most powerful time psychically. It seems to lure us toward the deepest self, the longings of the soul, and restful listening is a great way to receive these messages. It's been compared to the dormant seed under the winter snow, or the cocoon holding the butterfly. You might feel tired, or crave quiet solitude. It's important to make space for the unfolding of the spirit at this time. Like death itself, it's preparation for the new beginning that begins with the crescent.

The Dark Moon and Women's Cycles:

You've probably heard about the "menstruation hut" of matriarchal and so-called primitve cultures. The dark of the Moon was one of those times when women gathered together to draw wisdom from the powerful psychic energy afoot. Often there was a merging of women's cycles -- as there is now when women live in close quarters -- and this created an amped up collective power. In the hut, women could share visions, divine messages and open to higher wisdom.

The Dark Moon and grief:

Whenever we experience a deep loss, we are changed profoundly, which is a kind of death. This is considered a dark Moon phase, and lasts as long as it takes to fully integrate the experience. Sometimes others are made uneasy by our personal confusion, melancholy, soul angst, etc, and try to prevent us from fully dwelling in the dark. But taking a cue from nature, we can see that everything dies for a time, before coming alive again in a new form. Just like that, there are times when we die to our old self and are reborn to a new life.

The Dark Moon and the Seasons:

During the Winter Solstice, when the days are short (in the Northern Hemisphere), it's an inward time with a cozy intimate feeling. It's always a surprise to see the green things come to life again after being stripped to such a bare state. The growth at this time is underground, hidden, but powerful because it's often the base, the roots.

The Dark Moon and Growing Older, Dying:

In our own lives, there's a dark Moon phase toward the end as we prepare to enter the mystery of death. Often there is a convergence of memories, making time seem to run together. So many traditions believe the spirit carries on, but to where? This is the great unknown, and a dark Moon period that is taken on faith, with the hope of new life to come. The dark Moon is associated with the underworld, a seperate plane where the dead and almost born are together.

Are we living in a Dark Moon phase?:

In her book, Mysteries of the Dark Moon, Demetra George presented this concept. We live on a dying planet in the sense that her form is changing, from the rainforest floor to the air encircling her. Part of the dark Moon is a break-down of old systems, and letting go, and there's some review going on of how we've been living, what we believe, our relationship with the natural world. The new seeds are being planted, but there's still a lot of uncertainty and fear -- darkness. Seeing this time as a dark Moon period can put it in a broader perspective, with hope for a new beginning.

The Power of the Dark:

The dark Moon is private, intimate, richly renewing and full of depth. The waning Moon is a time of letting go, and as you're stripped of what you've known, there's a moment of standing naked, not knowing who you are. This might be what dying is like, an awesome mystery that makes us feel fully awake at that final moment. What comes next, we wonder?

I've found the dark Moon to be the most powerful time for organically unfolding soul-searching. The inner Self starts to grow in power, and make its presence known. Ideally, you can listen, integrate, and set intentions that will bring you into harmony with yourself during the waxing Moon.

Stillness is the key word for the dark Moon. Restful, rich solitude gives you the chance to hear that inner voice. With the lunar face hidden, the intuitive-psychic self takes over. Make space for a clearing of the mind and spirit, so that you can be ready to recieve.

There's a historic pattern of fearing the dark, and denying death. But it's a fact of nature, and if embraced, can be met as the winding down before the next new beginning. The Moon is associated with women, and many Goddesses like Hecate, Kali, Lilith, represent her dark aspect. The dark Moon reminds us of nature's cycles of death and rebirth. The grave and the womb become the same place, a transition when you're held in the mystery beyond physical existence.

Each dark Moon is a chance to be renewed, to experience unknowing, and to gain timeless wisdom. The dark Moon opens a door to the past, and it reaches back far into the collective memory. Make it a sacred time for yourself each month, a time to connect to the great mystery of life.

Source: This is original writing, the foundation of which came from the works of Vicki Noble, Demetra George, Judy Grahn, Starhawk and Elinor Gadon, to name a few.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Astrology: What's Hot Now: Mars in Virgo

Astrology: What's Hot Now
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Mars in Virgo
Jul 30th 2011, 10:00

Quality and Element:

What You're Like:

You're someone that demands a lot of yourself and others. You like to be productive, and don't mind tedious work, as long as it's serving a bigger purpose. You've got a gift for fine tuning anything, and excel at crafts that involve precision. There's a desire to serve, which could lead you into work that fits in with your values. You're a do-er, and find it hard to just sit idle. A quest for purity, wholeness and self-improvement keeps you on task. Your critical nature can drive others crazy. But you've also got practical wisdom to share that can make everyday life better.

What Lights Your Fire:

You're one of those rare people that like to thoroughly clean and organize your space on a regular basis. You understand how things are connected on a physical level, and are drawn to solving problems that are technical and intricate. You thrive when on a path to mastery of your goal, through daily discipline, a precise tweaking of your skills. You notice the little things, and shine when treated with respect for your competency.

Your Sexual Nature:

You're cool with a hint of modesty about your sex life, until intimacy is established. The depth of your earthiness comes out over time, in a secure relationship. You are flexible and open to anything, as long as it's natural and done in a clean, orderly place. You are not a prude, just someone that prefers to plan ahead, and not be taken by surprise. Within a predictable routine, you are open to experimentation.

Notables with Mars in Virgo:

Georgia O'Keefe Yoko Ono, Gwyneth Paltrow, Will Smith, Stevie Wonder, Clark Gable, Brooke Shields, Carl Sagan Matt Damon, Princess Diana, Johnny Depp, Michael Caine, Gabriel Byrne, Amelia Earhart, Isabel Allende, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

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Astrology: What's Hot Now: New Moon in Leo, 2011

Astrology: What's Hot Now
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New Moon in Leo, 2011
Jul 30th 2011, 10:00

In each moment, we are making choices -- creation or destruction, love or fear. Right now, the spark of creation is pulsing stronger and stronger within us. At this New Moon, we can re-dedicate ourselves to that creative impulse.

How do you show your love?

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Astrología: Most Popular Articles: Características de Venus

Astrología: Most Popular Articles
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Características de Venus
Jul 29th 2011, 10:14

Tipo: Planeta personal

Elemento: Tierra y Aire

Palabra clave: Amor

Significador: Afecto y socialización

Día de la semana: Viernes

Sexo: Femenino

Carga: Magnético, negativo, receptivo

Regente de: Tauro y Libra

Exhaltado en: Piscis

Exiliado en: Escorpio y Aries

Caída en: Virgo

Casa natural: II - Valores, bienes, dinero; VII - Sociedades en igualdad, matrimonio, temas legales

Ciclo alrededor del zodíaco: 224.5 días

Color: anaranjado

Dioses: Ishtar, Afrodita, Venus

Algunas analogías:

  • Venus es amoroso ante todo. Por eso su energía es aceptada con agrado la mayoría de las veces.

  • Es amante de los placeres y la sensualidad. Una buena mesa en un lugar acogedor, música que acompañe sin por ello impedir una buena conversación...

  • La seducción es un rasgo natural de Venus. Conquista sin esfuerzo con su natural y elegante galanteo.

  • A Venus le gusta la armonía, de modo que es un elemento equilibrante en sí mismo.

  • Amante de la belleza en todas sus formas. Permite apreciar la delicadeza y el buen gusto.

  • Estar en sociedad le permite compartir sus encanto y elegancia. Esto le hace sociable y distinguido.

  • Si no está favorecido en el horóscopo, puede ser excesivo en los placeres o excesivamente delicado o escrupuloso.

En resumen, Venus es comparable al lujo, la diversión, la felicidad, la comodidad, la belleza, la esposa, las artes, la gula, la lujuria, la promiscuidad, la vagancia, el capricho, el elitismo.

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Astrología: Most Popular Articles: Diferencia entre Astrología y Astronomía

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Diferencia entre Astrología y Astronomía
Jul 29th 2011, 10:14

La diferencia entre astrología y astronomía se basa en que tienen distintos objetos de estudio. Si bien ambas se basan en los astros, pudiera decirse que eso es lo único que tienen en común.

Tomemos como ejemplo una orquesta en la que se utilizan los astros como instrumentos. La astronomía se encargaría del origen, historia, construcción, afinación, cuidado y mantenimiento de los instrumentos. La astrología es la música. La carta natal es la partitura y los consultores astrológicos son los intérpretes.

  • El objeto de estudio de la astronomía son los cuerpos celestes, su dinámica, interacción y fenómenos físico-químicos relacionados. El de la astrología es la relación o influencia entre los astros y el hombre, su comportamiento, personalidad, emociones y situaciones de vida.

  • El tipo de razonamiento empleado por la astronomía es lógico y deductivo. Se apoya más en el patrón de causa-efecto. En cambio, la astrología se basa en el razonamiento analógico, basado en la comparación de propiedades y características entre objetos y sistemas de diferente naturaleza.

  • El alcance de la astronomía es todo el universo, lo conocido y lo desconocido. Se ocupa de revisar constelaciones, galaxias y mucho más. La astrología sólo se relaciona con los planetas del sistema solar. Los signos no son lo mismo que las constelaciones, aunque lleven nombres similares.

  • Los ciclos de los cuerpos celestes, descritos por la astronomía, son demostrables y observables. Algunos de los ciclos descritos por la astrología son simbólicos. La sucesión de los signos y su duración homogénea, es más una convención que un hecho astrofísico.

  • Las predicciones astronómicas son de gran precisión y especificidad. Gracias a ellas podemos observar eclipses y cometas y conocer con exactitud las fases de la luna. Las predicciones astrológicas son de menos precisión y mayor ambigüedad. Depende en gran medida del consultor que las haga.

  • El punto de vista de la astronomía es universal. Se observa el universo desde diversos ángulos y se construye una visión “desde afuera”. La astrología es geocéntrica. Todos los cálculos se realizan con la Tierra como centro. Todos los planetas giran “simbólicamente” a su alrededor.

  • Las bases teóricas de la astronomía al estudiar el Universo, son la matemática, la física y la química. La astrología se apoya en la astronomía, la mitología, las ciencias esotéricas y la psicología, para entender al hombre y su relación con su entorno.

  • Los Zodíacos de la astrología y la astronomía son también diferentes. La astronomía divide la eclíptica en 13 o 14 constelaciones, dándole el tamaño correspondiente a cada una. La astrología divide la eclíptica en 12 partes iguales y le asigna el nombre de 12 de las 13 o 14 constelaciones.

La astrología y la astronomía parecen haber surgido del escrutinio de los cielos por el hombre. Pero desde la antigüedad comenzaron a diferenciarse. La astronomía goza del reconocimiento de la ciencia. La astrología aún se debate por encontrar un lugar en el conocimiento formal.

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Astrology: What's Hot Now: Twelve Tips Leo

Astrology: What's Hot Now
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Twelve Tips Leo
Jul 29th 2011, 10:01

Leo's style is warm and spontaneously generous. Leo loves to give in a big, colorful way. This inspires you to add a little more shiny ribbon to a wrapped package. It's also timely for donations where your gift is acknowledged publicly -- a little good gossip to spread around never hurts.

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Astrology: What's Hot Now: New Moon

Astrology: What's Hot Now
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New Moon
Jul 29th 2011, 10:01

New Moon Magic:

When the Moon is new, the Sun and Moon are aligned in the same sign, and a powerful energy portal is opened. New Moons are a great time to set intentions for things you'd like to create, develop, cultivate, make manifest. There are many ways to initiate this communion with the Universe from lighting a candle to elaborate rituals. What matters is that you're committing yourself to your vision, and open to receiving guidance, healing, support from Spirit.

Why Follow the Moon?:

When you tune into the Moon's phases, it's reassuring to know that there are many chances during the year to tap into lunar energy. Like the tides, the Moon ebbs and flows, a rhythm that women understand intimately. New Moons are a blank page on which to speak your dreams out loud, and Full Moons are for taking action and celebrating the fruit of your efforts.

In the chaotic and temporal world, looking to something larger that is also part of yourself can fill you with awe and make you feel connected. For whatever path you're on, opening to working with planetary energies links you to the power of the divine.

Preparing for the New Moon:

It's a good idea to spend some time reflecting in the days leading up to the new Moon. Knowing exactly what you want to draw into your life is not always easy. Part of preparing for the new Moon is making sure you are clear about your intentions. Sometimes it's a quality you'd like to cultivate like forgiveness, courage -- other times it's a more specific request like a promotion at work or new place to live.

What is a new Moon Ritual?:

This depends on your personal tastes, the pace of your life and the time you have to devote to it. Some simply light a candle, while others gather objects and pictures for their altar. Lately, I've been writing my intentions on a 7-day candle and leaving it in a prominent (and safe) place. With a candle, you can return to it and relight it while meditating on your intentions.

Ritual helps focus your entire being on the quest at hand. In the days leading up to the new Moon, you might gather pictures and totems that symbolize your goal. Creating a collage gives you a visual reminder of your dreams.

What does it mean in each different sign?:

Every new Moon is different, and this gives you the chance to claim the energies of each different sign. Even if you don't have planets in the sign for a given month, it falls somewhere in your birth chart. We each have elements of the entire Zodiac in our make-up, with some more emphasized than others. Find out where the new Moon falls in your chart for clues as to what to "call in" that month.

How is it different from the Full Moon:

The new Moon has a more inward feel, has a void or empty quality, and therefore can be frightening to those not comfortable with uncertainty. Can you learn to trust the dark? It's the moment when the old passes away and the new is not yet here. That's why it's a powerful time for sending out your prayer, wishes, desires to the Universe.

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Astrology: What's Hot Now: New Moon in Leo, 2011

Astrology: What's Hot Now
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New Moon in Leo, 2011
Jul 29th 2011, 10:01

The New Moon in Leo happens when the Summer Sun is blazing (in the N. Hem), and fruit is ripening on the vine. The Sun -- Leo's ruler -- makes the fruit sweet and juicy. This New Moon is one for fixating on seeds that require your special light, to bring them to their peak.

Leo is the sun shining from within, wild expression, spontaneous creativity, the love of life. The double dose (Sun-Moon) of Leo is a soul revival! The birth chart is proof that your soul is unique - this is no one like You.

What raw artistry is there, waiting to be cultivated? What stories are inside your heart, dying to be told? What life in you has gone unlived?

The New Moon is Saturday, July 30th, 2011 at 2:40 pm Eastern.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Astrology: What's Hot Now: Venus Aquarius Woman

Astrology: What's Hot Now
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Venus Aquarius Woman
Jul 28th 2011, 10:00

What She's Like

Aquarius is air, and the glyph is two wavy lines. With this woman, it's all about the mind, and wavelengths she's profoundly attuned to. Often she's tuned into what's current, and the first to spy future trends. Her antennae are up, and she's reading your vibe. If you have a stimulating mental rapport, that is a great start.

What you've heard is true. She loves her freedom. Something about her is....different. She's defiantly independent, and because of that, is known to make unconventional choices in love. A long distance thing. Or, very casual relationships with a few different "friends" who are also lovers.

What's unique about her is her intellectual sovereignty. She won't tolerate being talked down to, in this patriarchal world. She wants a lover-friend who admires her mental powers, as an equal, sounding board, and sometimes verbal sparring partner.

She prides herself on being a rebel, and will make a big show of flaunting social convention. Inside this woman, is a freaky lady. Even if she lives a low-key life, the odd, zany or mentally scrambled persona shows up sometime. Her friends know she's not afraid to look dorky for a laugh, and they count on her for random odd or shocking remarks. True to her ruler Uranus, she likes to crack people up, and stir the pot, if things get too normal in her eyes.

Venus Aquarius actress Jennifer Jason Leigh (with Aqua Sun) has played "crazy" so much, that she has said it's what people expect when they meet her. But she finds expression in art, for all that's wild-eyed, provocative, and taboo-busting.

What She Likes

She likes open minds and people with a sense of compassion for all, not just some. Her attraction to social trends can put her at the forefront of movements. She'll find it sexy, if you're informed, and able to have a spirited dialogue about what's happening in the world.

Yes, she loves s p a c e. So much that it's hard to know if she's really into you or not. Water and earth signs can find it hard to be "on hold," not knowing where you stand. The uncertainty is too much for those that need more stability in love. But it's her nature to live at the edge, with everything "up in the air," in a manner of speaking. However, the other energies in her make-up will play a role, in how she builds trust over time.

She's drawn to characters, and is more likely than other signs, to see past social groupings of race, culture, religion. She'll show up with the guy who could be her father, or surprise everyone by falling in love with a woman. She's impressed by what's unique about you, and will celebrate those times when you break your own mold.

She thrives when love is an experiment, and will have a low tolerance for routine. She's not likely to stay in a relationship that's fallen into a rut. She hears the tune of the many, and is less eager to go deep with one person. Again, though, this will be colored by the rest of her chart.

The oft-said word is detachment, which is a gift and if not in balance, can become a curse. It helps her be fair-minded, a sharp listener, objective about herself and others. But it can become a wall of defense, against intimacy, and all that comes with it.

Venus in Aquarius Women: Marlene Dietrich, Dido, Ivanna Trump, Sharon Stone, Oprah, Jessica Biel, Yoko Ono, Tea Leoni, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Simone de Beauvoir, Nina Hagen, Glenn Close, Sienna Miller, Sheryl Crow, Taylor Swift, Kate Middleton, Ellen Degeneres.

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Astrology: What's Hot Now: New Moon in Leo

Astrology: What's Hot Now
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New Moon in Leo
Jul 28th 2011, 10:00

New Moon in Leo themes: making time for play; fanning the creative flames; standing in your personal power; celebrating your unique story; going on an adventure; radiating confidence to be Big; taking delight in something; risking growth through creativity; stepping into leadership; passionate love and friendship; laughing out loud (for real).

The chart for this new Moon is a coming together with three other planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus) in this vital fire sign. If you've been dragging around lately, it's a chance to reclaim what's been lost, and stoke your own inner fire. Being a fixed sign, this infusion of Leo fire can dislodge you from the passive, ho-hum, shadow of yourself, automaton life many of us fall into. It can be a new beginning that propels you down a more active, self-created path, if you take the first bold Leap.

Many of us struggle with inertia and a sense that the authentic Self has been pushed to the background. The chaos of modern life can drown out the unique story because it's just so darn loud and insidious. It's easy to get on a tense track of worry and frantic running around. That hold and the stress of daily life has a draining effect, and makes it hard to make life meaningful. Sometimes the stuff that really matters, the true goals in your heart, are crowded out day after day. That's discouraging over time. Leo inspires acts of creativity that emerge from the heart of the Self. That makes this new Moon an ideal time to set intentions that re-energize your inner artist.

The total solar eclipse makes it a moment to see the true color of the Self. It's something you have to fight for, and this lunation makes that risk look like a great adventure. Make You the center of your universe, creating what you want around it, not a passive spectator in a sea of apathy. Recently, we met some traveling Danes, and they had an interesting perspective having met Americans from the West to the East coasts. Lisbeth said many Americans seemed under a cloud, a heaviness in the air, and worry about the future. "You should be proud of who you are," she said, and I saw her eyes were almost tearing up. This drive-by sage saw a sense of powerlessness, and uncertainty keeping people discouraged. So much is beyond our control, and as she reminded me, is part of a global dynamic now.

Her advice fits with this lunation, which is not to dwell on what's wrong, but get busy creating for yourself, from what's in your control. Being happy, celebrating, taking time for self-expression, coming up with visions for the ideal life -- all these are choices that we can make for ourselves now. The Leo new Moon encourages a kind of eclipse blindness to the outer reality, so that the inner light becomes more visible. From that, something new can be nurtured at this lunation, and given outward to the community (Aquarius) by the full Moon on August 16th. When you find your own inspiration, you can then share that light with others.

Along with the stellum in Leo, there's a grounding anchor in earth, to give traction to whatever passions are stirred up. The Mars-Saturn trine in Virgo helps you break down goals into manageable steps. It gifts you with some patience for the details. It's a great time to hone your skills in an area, especially ones that involve refinement, precision, discernment. If you've doubted your own discipline, to bring a creative project to fruition, this is the time when you're likely to succeed. Dare to try again, and set an intention to go deeper into your personal well, and bring out that gift you've sensed that is there within. Pluto's retrograde in seeking Sagittarius is in a supportive trine with Venus in Leo. It's a final chance transit, to set on that path of making a creative dream real, and favors enlisting collaborators to join you in the journey!

I've always been fascinated by school pictures, and before the heaviness of life intrudes, kids have a certain confidence. It says, "This is me!" In my own yearbooks, I could actually see the turning point, when that was eclipsed by teen angst and insecurity. Leo is the sign of exuberant childlike confidence. Suggestion: Find a picture of yourself that shows you radiating from within, and keep it on your altar or prominent place. Find ways to rekindle that original fire this new Moon.


  • Make a collage from old books or magazines, of images that inspire you. Create a picture of the kind of life that represents your most fully realized Self. Keep it in a prominent place for the next two weeks. At the full Moon, take a tangible action to making it a reality.
  • Create a summer bonfire with friends. Write five intentions on a heart cut-out, that are goals you're passionate about. Say them out loud while offering them to the fire.
  • Write your intentions on a 7-day candle, and light it each day up to the full Moon. Take small actions each day that signal to your Self that you are committed to your goals.

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Astrology: What's Hot Now: Venus in Sagittarius

Astrology: What's Hot Now
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Venus in Sagittarius
Jul 28th 2011, 10:00

What You're Like...:

It's easy to be with you, since you're so light-hearted and fun. You're very social, and want to experience everything firsthand, preferably with other free-spirits. Sadge is a sign sans frontiers, and you'll want to broaden your horizons through travel, and meeting people from diverse cultures. You like to philosophize, and explore the world of ideas with other inspired minds.

Quality and Element:

In Love and Romance:

Your social calendar is often full because you're kind of a collector of friends and lovers. Often they're one and the same, since having a strong friendship is important to you in love. You're not into emotional drama, and will hightail it out of a heavy or over-analyzed relationship. Play, travel, soaking up the nightlife, discussing world cultures -- these things bond you to a partner-in-adventure. It may take awhile before you commit to one person, and your experimental side means you'll be curious about all things sexual. You'll play the field a long time, as part of your overall quest for experience.

Friendship Style:

You're likely that person who waves to all your "friends" as you're walking down the street. And you're always meeting new ones, because of your outgoing, curious nature. Friendships enlarge your world, and with your global focus, you could end up with friends in every port. You're idealistic, and can be a source of inspiration for others. Some might doubt your sincerity since you cast such a wide net, and more sensitive types can be singed by your blunt honesty. You're compatible with those on the go, ready for adventure, without the need for a whole lot of emotional bonding.

Creative Expression:

There could be many outlets for your spontaneous style -- music, comedy, storytelling, theatre, etc. You'd make an engaging teacher, since your students would appreciate the mix of intellectualism and humor.

The Big Attraction:

You've got a friendly demeanor that opens doors and makes people take notice. Usually, you're joking and having fun, and people want to be part of that, so they draw near. It's easy for you to get to know people, and this leads to quickly made romantic liasons. You're someone that can even make dating fun, since you're so light about it all. You may be quick to get intimate, but that doesn't mean you're ready for one partner. Some might not understand your need for complete freedom, mostly from emotional entanglements. The right partner has their own joie de vivre, and is as active as you are.

Winning Your Heart:

You're looking for someone that exposes you to new experiences. Your travels might be where you find many of your lovers. In fact, you may even end up with someone from a different culture entirely. You have a tendency to idealize your mate, but it's a long, hard fall for them when they turn out to be less than perfect. It's not hard to win you as a casual partner, but getting you to commit is usually a matter both of timing, and someone having most of the right stuff. It's important to seek out those also seeking adventure, variety, freedom, or you're liable to unwittingly break a few hearts along the way.

Famous People with Venus in Sagittarius:

Tina Turner, Sinead O'Connor, John Malkovich, Gerard Depardieu, Kim Basinger, David Bowie, Kevin Costner, Jude Law, Diego Rivera, Jane Fonda, Whoopi Goldberg, Roberto Benigni, Christina Aguilera

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Astrology: What's Hot Now: Gemini Moon

Astrology: What's Hot Now
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Gemini Moon
Jul 28th 2011, 10:00


witty, social, flexible, curious, interesting, light-hearted

The Shadow Side:

nervous, distracted, fickle, superficial, manipulative

Quality and Element:

Famous People with Moon in Gemini:

Jim Carrey, Ewan McGregor, Julianne Moore, Milla Jovovich, Jessica Simpson, Goldie Hawn, Jake Gyllenhaal, Kate Beckinsale, Jennifer Connely, Gwyneth Paltrow, Bette Davis, Fred Astaire, Roseanne Barr, Jeff Bridges, Brett Butler, George Carlin, Jason Alexander

Personality Profile:

Those with the Moon in Gemini have brightly lit up minds in which the wheels are always turning. For them the world is full of interesting topics to learn and think about, and of course, chat about with others. They’re lively conversationalists, and usually able to find the hilarity in any situation.

This makes them social butterflies, and curious about peoples lives in general. They take in everything that people share, and can become notorious gossips if they pass it on. It’s usually not out of malice, but out of a genuine fascination with the human condition.

The Gemini Moon can find it hard to relax, and even when winding down in the evening may have several conduits of information on at once, such as the TV and radio, all the while surfing the Net. Today’s technology is tailor-made for them, with its short, snippet-style and quick turnaround.

The Moon in Gemini mind needs constant stimulation, and this is how it finds emotional comfort. Ideally, all this information is filtered through, and then redistributed out to the world through their unique gifts. Many are fine writers, artists and comedians, since they’re so tuned in to the peculiarities of their social surroundings.

In romance, the Gemini Moon is an enchanting mate that is also like a fun, child-like friend. Their ideal mate is someone with an adaptable outlook who helps sooth their nervous temperament. In return they offer a relationship that is fresh and always evolving because of their endless search for variety.

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Astrology: What's Hot Now: Mercury Retrograde 2011

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Mercury Retrograde 2011
Jul 28th 2011, 10:00

There are three Mercury retrograde cycles in 2011, all in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Going back, it's like the drama coach asking for a more animated, emphatic attitude. Fire is inspiration. These retrogrades pick up dropped threads for more trust of instincts. More cutting through verbiage. Less tolerance for sleepy, confused ideas. Vitalized speech. More passionate truth telling.

Shadow side: Selfish perspectives, overbearing, speaking before thinking, impatient, hostile, aggressive, grandiose, missing subtle nuances. It's a great time then, to see any of these behaviors, in the retrograde cycle.

March 30th to April 23rd: Mercury in cardinal Aries. Refresh old ideas in time for Spring. A time to be brave, and confront others, if this is a loose end. Universe creates serendipity, via opportunities to speak courageously. Here we face the fear of expressing what might rouse others to anger.

It's a break from agreeing, or saying everything is fine, when its not. It's risking being authentic, when you know it's provocative. It's feeling lit up with passion, and allowing that to be a force that works on others. It's dealing with blowback from being forceful about your opinion. It's daring to face those who have been in positions of authority. It's being excited about new ideas, some that might have been threads of inspiration for you all along.

Rx periods can cause delays, frustrations, mix-ups. Watch out for hair-trigger tempers, raging and ranting, blowing a fuse. Deep breathing and physical activity helps blow off pent up intensity.

Read more about this mentally energizing Mercury Retrograde in Aries, 2011!

August 2nd to 26th: Mercury begins in earth sign Virgo for one week, and hits fixed sign Leo on August 8th. Virgo makes us precise, and grounded in reality, so we appear capable, trustworthy, sincere. The retrograde into Leo allows for a dramatic re-enactment, infusing ideas close to our hearts with life. Any me-centric attitudes can be seen in a new light. It's time to rediscover what we love, and express it with great heart!

November 23rd to December 13th: Mercury in mutable Sagittarius. Being reminded of aspirations. Revisiting a situation, but this time not beating 'round the bush. Dot-connecting on events of the past, which changes view of what's happening, and what's possible. Another chance to speak your truth. Seeing from vantage point of higher mind. Far-sighted views that were dropped before.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Astrology: What's Hot Now: Transit Moon in Taurus

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Transit Moon in Taurus
Jul 27th 2011, 10:01

The Moon sets the emotional tone as it transits through the Zodiac signs. It changes signs every 2 1/2 days. You can work with this rhythm to "go with the flow" of the Moon. You can use it to know the general feeling tone to expect.

Strength and Sensuality

The Moon is exalted in Taurus, and that means its an easy-going fit. The Taurus lunar mood is mellow, calm and low-to-the-ground. You can go barefoot, languish in the Sun, draw out the enjoyment of a particularly tasty meal. It's easier to feel the weight of who you are, on the Earth, rather than just being "in your head." It's great for tending to practical matters, since your two hands are ready to dig in.

Being at Home in the Body

When the Moon is in Taurus, it's easier to sink into the moment, be in the body, and enjoy delights of the five senses. Some languid intimacy in a cozy atmosphere sounds good! Taurus is the slow mover of the Zodiac, and everything is savored thoroughly. That might mean dancing, and really feeling the groove of the music. It's also great for relaxing deeply, like taking an afternoon siesta.

Slow and Steady Steps

The grounded nature of Taurus allows us to be focused on one thing. It's a fixed sign, that inspires us to go into something fully. The Taurus energy helps you discover your natural talent. And you might find it easier to practice your craft or hobby. You can get in the zone of work, and take pleasure in making real progress. It's an excellent time to be in the studio or with your musical instrument. You can earth your dreams in real ways.

Activities Favored Under the Taurus Moon:

Massages given and received; baking and cooking; singing or dancing; gardening; building structures; considering steps of a plan, experimenting with home aromatherapy, stretching (especially the neck), try new fruits, concoctions, cocktails and dishes; make pottery or sculpture; sound therapy.

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Astrology: What's Hot Now: New Moon Rituals

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New Moon Rituals
Jul 27th 2011, 10:01

Rituals are a way to mark turning points in your life. They can be used to symbolically welcome changes in your life. They can be simple rituals or elaborate ones. The most important thing is your full presence in the moment.

The new Moon is a magical time of beginnings, when you can recharge goals, or set new ones.

Rituals bring meaning to our lives by "charging" an intention with power. We're always setting intentions, and this is a way to do it in a more conscious way. There is power in coming up with visions for your life, and keeping them in your sights as they come into being. But even as you fully commit to those visions, stay flexible, since new doors may open that you didn't expect. At the new Moon, goals and wishes take root, as you reach out for spiritual wisdom, draw on unseen allies and open the door to magical change. You might get what you ask for, or something even better that you can't imagine yet.

It's important to come up with a ritual that has meaning for you, instead of trying to follow any set guidelines (unless you're part of an established ritual group). You're the one that knows your personal story best, and what to lift out of that narrative, what will infuse your ritual with power. Here are some general guidelines to shape your rituals using the unique symbols and totems from your life.

Gathering your Sacred Supplies Your altar is where you collect your sacred objects -- pictures, found objects and the like. Using herbs with healing or symbolic properties adds to your ritual. Stones and crystals are another powerful ally. Candles are magical, and in its form contains all four of the elements. A small journal on hand allows you to keep a record of your intentions.

Preparing for the Ritual This is the most important part of ritual, since your commitment is the key. Take a ritual bath with sea salt to clear your field of any negative energies. Sage is an herb used by the Native Americans to clear a space, and make it sacred for ritual. It's available in most health food stores these days, and easiest to use in its wand form. Light the end and blow on it until there is a smoldering glow. Use it around your own body, and in the space of your ritual. Clear your mind with meditation, using music or just quieting down in your cleared, sacred area.

Grounding This is something that's important anytime, for staying connected to earth energy. Signs that you're not grounded are mania, nervousness, racing thoughts and the like. Too often we forget to feel the earth under our feet. I've mentioned Starhawk a few times on the site, and her tree grounding excercise is one of my own daily rituals. In a nutshell, it's visualizing the roots going down into the Earth, through the layers, into the core, and then drawing that energy back up through your feet again. It moves through each chakra, coming out the top and down around you. Try this or another variation of grounding before you set new Moon intentions.

Your New Moon Wishes After you've cleared a sacred space and settled your energy, you're ready to set your intentions. Make a list of what you'd like to draw into your life, and Dream Big! The new Moon is a moment to conjure what seems out of reach, and creating the vision is the first step to making it a reality. But these are not just words on paper. As you write them down as intentions, you are committing to doing your part to make them real. Some call it co-creating, since you're opening to universal energies to set dreams in motion.

Dreams of the Soul Your intentions come from the longings that keep coming up. In the days leading up to the new Moon, give some thought to those longings, and see what images, dreams and streams of thought come up. Use symbolic associations to go along with your intentions. Weave in the element for the new Moon, and think about the houses and planets that are affected by it. For an earth new Moon, for example, you might plant seeds that represent your intention. Rituals are a way to work with universal energies, and draw attention to the particular life lessons, or arena (house, planet, etc) that it illuminates for you.

Symbolic Acts Here's where you get to be creative. If your intentions are to write a book, or broadcast your ideas out to the world, tie them to a helium balloon and send them off. Write them on a stick and offer it to the fire. To open to love, put lavender and a rose quartz in a small pouch, along with the qualities you're seeking. If you're inspired, add a symbolic act to your intention-setting ritual.

Keep them Alive A big part of success with new Moon intentions is what comes after. Find ways to keep them in the front of your awareness. Put them in a visible spot, or keep them in your wallet. Make notes in your journal about your progress. At the full Moon , find ways to take action on those intentions, and celebrate any signs of change.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Astrología: Most Popular Articles: Carta natal online

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Carta natal online
Jul 26th 2011, 10:13

Para calcular tu carta utilizando el sitio web Carta Natal Online, accede a este enlace. Aparecerá un formulario como el que se muestra en la imagen superior.

Llena los datos de Nombre, Fecha de Nacimiento y Hora civil de Nacimiento. Esta última es la fecha que conoces como tu fecha de nacimiento. Está referida a la hora local de tu país de nacimiento. Trata de obtener este dato con la mayor precisión posible.

Utilizaré a manera de ejemplo, los datos del poeta chileno Pablo Neruda.

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Astrology: What's Hot Now: Reading Charts

Astrology: What's Hot Now
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Reading Charts
Jul 26th 2011, 10:00

You probably already know your Sun's sign and with a chart you can now see its House position. Your Sun may be alone or in a cluster with other planets. The Sun in astrology is your core self, and its House position and relationship to other planets can be very revealing.

Harry's Sun is in Leo and aligned with the Ascendant, putting it in both the 1st and 12th Houses. It's hard not to notice that Mercury is also smack dab at the horizon, and Jupiter and Venus are close by.

With the Sun straddling the 1st and 12th Houses and aligned with Mercury, it follows that Harry is a magician and leader. The 12th House is that of mysteries and unseen worlds and a strong 1st House Sun can give someone a forceful presence. His Sun in both houses gives him one foot firmly planted in both the real and magical worlds.

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