This Full Moon is known in the Vedic tradition as Guru Purnima, a time to honor teachers who've embodied high standards, mastery, and most of all, walking the talk.
Vedic astrologer Sam Geppi is traveling with his guru Amma and reports in from the road, on this Full Moon in Sagittarius (in the sidereal tradition). This Full Moon, he says, "gives great results when we honor the full force of life. When we honor the Devas, the full gods of life, and really put into practice those things that we've learned through time in harmony with dharma and righteousness.
Dharma means your life's calling, and finding the path that's in harmony with the laws of the universe and nature. I found a great July interview with Inelia Benz and Lucia Rene, that begins with a conversation about aligning with your dharma. Rene's site and book are called Unplugging from the Patriarchy, and readers really responded to Inelia Benz in a post called Are We Creating Our Own Timeline?
There's a service-to-humanity and the Earth element to Capricorn that's really compelling to me as the encounter with the Full Moon approaches (Friday, July 15th at 2:40 am est). And the discussion about dharma, a word rooted in ancient traditions, can help us find our footing, paradoxically by letting go. I see it as aligning with something bigger than ourselves, and that will outlive us -- a legacy, a contribution to the story that goes on and on.
Capricorn rules bones, the skeleton, and this morning, I thought of the backbone, and how it is the structure for the body. This Full Moon Capricorn is a time to find that backbone, to find the discipline, focus, drive, dedication to live what's been learned. It means taking your life seriously, in the sense of committing to what you came here to do. It's a Full Moon to get solid with your direction, and the foundation -- does it reflect what's been learned?
Lucia Rene and Inelia Benz put it in the frame of shifting out of an old paradigm into a new one. At the Full Moon, we get hits on how institutions are decaying, to be transformed, because they are embedded in a patriarchal tradition, one that's on its way out. There can be seismic shifts, as we shift our vital life energies out of the old, and into the new.
I'll be working on this, since I've got a few areas that feel old paradigm, and that I'm holding on to out of habit and need to belong. They're things that need to be shifted, because to use southern lingo, "I know better." It's also to do with discipline, and the mastery-level focus it takes to live up to your own standards, with a million-and-one distractions that lure the eye.
It's a great Full Moon for serious reflection, contemplating what matters most, and giving it the weight it deserves. In a noisy world, this really does take backbone. Happy Full Moon to you all!
Dougal Waters/Getty Images
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