I got a shock this morning when I opened the hen house. A snake! And there were four distinctly round bulges -- eggs our broody hen had been sitting on for nearly three weeks. We put a lot of effort into getting the eggs, and they were nearly hatched. From the looks of it, she did her best to defend her nest. The whole thing is just sad and there's nothing I can do about it but accept the loss.
Some friends on the Facebook page have shared happenings that seem so literal to the current transit. I'm mulling this over this morning, such a surprise attack on the Momma hen. Venus in the sign of the mother Cancer, is square to startler Uranus and opposing the death-dealer Pluto. In truth friends, it brings up a whole cascade of feelings about my own losses, from not being able to protect and nurture what I love.
Venus Cancer has to do with protecting the vulnerable, from that baby bird I left out in the Sun when I was a distractible pre-teen, to a more general desire to protect what's left that's deeply good about America, a Cancer nation. My first instinct in my half-awake state at 6:30 am was to kill the snake (and get the eggs), and I ran to tell my husband, but of course, it's too late. They've been squeezed. The process has already started, it's inevitable and irreversible. Pluto transits are like that....we have to surrender to the death process, and let what's dead be digested and transformed into something new.
If I let my metaphorical mind run wild, I can see this as a message to guard new life (ideas), especially in the night -- to protect them from "night thoughts" (worries, fears) or psychic intrusion. But I know too that Pluto is the ultimate healer, whose medicine is delivered through these kinds of unexpected events. Into the weekend, with Venus Cancer square Uranus and opposing Pluto, events or confrontations could have a freeing effect, after the tears or outbursts.
Venus is also trine to Chiron in Pisces, for healing crises that touch our deepest wounds. The ache and wisdom of these wounds (some that never heal in this lifetime) is the medicine others sense in us, as "wounded healers."
Jupiter's trine to Pluto is a sense of landing after any dramatic wringing out, a relief to be purged of all we've been carrying (without realizing it). A wise friend Danielle Winter describes this time eloquently, "Feels like an indian raaga...with emphasis on the stretch of intensely orchestrated cresendo-ing collaboration of harmonics that pitch and fall and tweak and twist one's sense of safety and sanity...the end of the storm leaves us changed and refreshed yet, exhausted too."
Molly Hall for About.com
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