I was compelled these last few days to re-read The Earth Path by one of my teachers along the way, Starhawk. In a chapter called "Healing the Earth," she writes of sitting in a cave in Mexico, in a ritual offering to Tonantzin, the Aztec earth Goddess. There she had a vision of the earth as a battleground between forces of destruction and forces of love. "I resisted the vision," she says, "because I don't like to think in terms of dualities and wars of good and evil. But I heard clearly, "The forces contesting for the earth are so strong, so nearly matched, the battle so intense, that she could break apart under the strain. Feed the earth."
Deep listening in a cave, honoring Mother Earth -- these are themes as we near the Full Moon in Capricorn late Thurs/early Friday. This is the cardinal earth sign of leadership, maturity, taking responsibility and doing the best in the time we're given. It's a Full Moon with gravitas, to look at the choices we're making, to contribute to love or fear, destruction or creation.
Full Moons illuminate. This can also be a time of sobering up, and strengthening the foundation of mind-body-spirit, to meet whatever lies ahead. With Jupiter trine to penetrating Pluto (in Capricorn), at the Full Moon, we can see the life support around us, and what needs shoring up. It's a great time to heal that rift with nature that keeps some of us dangerously disconnected. A fabulous time to get your garden growing, as nature is on the increase with the waxing Moon. And to listen deeply to Earth, your ancestral lineage and your own wise soul.
My progressed Moon is in Capricorn, a sign I used to think I understood the least of the twelve. I see in it an instinct to observe stealthily, and make decisions based on realistic forecasts. It's commonsense, for example, to prepare as Dr. Mark Sircus advises, with a first aid kit, and other basics. In his latest post, People in Trouble, he writes, "Most people don't want to know what's coming so they can get on with the business of "living life." But maybe we're supposed to know what is going on and finally look at ourselves for the choices we've made individually and collectively."
I see this as a time to pierce the denial that keeps us taking stock of what's happening (and its implications for the future). And to shed dependencies, where possible, and authorize ourselves to lead and create. Serendipitously today, I came across a 2007 video of Shirley MacLaine, another freethinker, where she talks of Star Beings (ET's), who are alarmed at what's happening on Earth. What I found compelling was her take on the political leadership (at that time Bush), as a lesson in taking responsibility. "We have to hit rock bottom in our opinion of our president, before we start to take our power and responsibility back."
Capricorn is about leadership and your public persona -- the role you play in the tribe or human family. With the Cancer-Capricorn Full Moon, it's a great time to claim authorship of your own life story, and gain strength from rooting in the particulars of your story (family, nation, cultural heritage). Ultimately, as Starhawk writes, healing the Earth is about healing our relationship to Earth, the planet we call Home.
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