The Birth Data for Jennifer Lopez:
July 24, 1969 is the most reliable date, with the birth time unknown, place Bronx, NYC.
Things You Might Not Know:
- Her parents are both from Puerto Rico.
- While still in her teens, she paid for her own singing and dancing lessons.
- Her first movie role was in 1986, at 17 years old, in "My Little Girl."
- Her mother Guadalupe won 2.4 million dollars at an Atlantic City casino in 2004.
- She beat out 2,000 others to win a spot in the chorus of "In Living Color," performing on the show from 1991 to 1993.
- Is the highest paid Hispanic performer in history, earning 15 million per picture.
- Has her own movie production company called Nuyorican, the label used by New Yorkers of Puerto Rican descent.
- She asked the media to drop "J Lo" in 2005.
Disciplined Creativity:
Lopez has her
Sun in Leo, the sign of the dramatic artist, but on the cusp of imaginative
Cancer. This gives her a blend of the two signs, adding emotional depth to her performances. Critics lauded her break-out role in Selena as "intuitive." It lends a little softness to her edge, and enables her to show the tender side in movie roles. A square to her Sun with
Saturn makes her seem serious, disciplined and always in control. Saturn square Sun brings lots of hurdles, along with the determination to overcome them.
Passionate Moon:
There's a good chance her Moon is in
Scorpio, which is my intuitive "hit" over a Sadge Moon. She's known to be defensive, understandably, and has learned to create a privacy fence around her intimate life. Her third marriage to Marc Anthony in June of 2004 was done on the sly in her backyard. She's known her share of drama and trauma in love, with her first two marriages lasting only one year. There were also the two relationships that blew up in public -- the two year affair with Sean Combs that led to her arrest, and "Bennifer," the media spectacle with Ben Affleck that he says exploded under the media glare.
Learning Through Love Trials:
Lopez has
Venus in Gemini squaring her
Pluto, the great transformer. This natal square makes love an issue of life or death at times, lending it an urgency that borders on obsession. It can lead to compulsively doing things you later regret. It leads to feeling locked in to intense, dark, turbulent, yet strangely cathartic affairs. She's been called the Elizabeth Taylor of her generation with a love life full of shocking plot twists. In 2007, she was awarded monetary damages against first husband Ojani Noa in a bid to keep him from releasing private information about their time together.
Lioness with a Motherly Streak:
Husband Marc Anthony says while Lopez has a childlike innocence, she's in charge, and he doesn't mind. "She's always been the boss." And she's mentioned with pride that she's known as "Ma" on the set. The Leo-Cancer woman is the Mother whose good-night kisses smell like perfumy lipstick as she heads out to the club. Her "children" may not be human babies, however -- she is just as likely to live as an artist, giving birth to works of art.
A Moving Vehicle:
Lopez has Sun, Mercury (Leo), Saturn (Taurus) and the Moon in fixed signs, which gives her a formidable, weighty public image. She seems anchored in herself, but a bit remote. But that's a sign she's created a sense of stability within, even with all the travel and touring that comes with her career.
Her Venus and Mars (in Sagittarius) are both in mutable signs, and here's where she experiments with new ideas on the set, in the studio, chatting with friends. Mars in Sadge is a sexual adventurer, known to thirst for real, gymnastical physical experiences. The cozy link with her Sun/Mercury in prideful Leo set her up for public romances that were experimental, but also stroked her ego. Now that it appears she found a stable, grounded, "mature" marriage, she's able to keep the drama in her work, and not bring it home.
Quotes from Jennifer Lopez:
"As an artist, I don't think I'll ever feel totally satisfied. Maybe one day I will. But right now that's not the feeling I have."
"I'm very open with my love. I'm passionate and I feel a lot, and I'm never afraid to get close to someone. I'm not afraid of love."
"It used to bother me being portrayed as this bitchy person, but now I feel that the public understands me better than some writer. There are people who know who I really am, and that's good enough for me."
"You know, maybe I was just born in the wrong time, but I love all things romantic. Puffy understands that. For my last birthday, he covered my hotel room floor with rose petals and had flowers and candles all over the room."
On talking with Victoria Beckham: "[Beckham] said, 'People would never guess you're insecure. Are you? Because I know I am.' It was like she had to hear it from me. And I said, 'Yeah, of course I am.' She said, 'But you seem so confident.' And I said, 'Because I am confident! It doesn't mean I don't have my moments. But you have to remember the value of your individuality- that you have something special and different to offer that nobody else can.' She said, 'Oh, I love hearing this. What you're saying is so great!' It was really sweet."
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