Friday, July 22, 2011

Astrology: What's Hot Now: Susan Miller on 2011

Astrology: What's Hot Now
These articles that had the largest increase in popularity over the last week
Susan Miller on 2011
Jul 22nd 2011, 10:00

Editor's Note: I had the good fortune to talk again with Susan Miller, who is celebrating 15 years of success with Astrology Zone. Here she talks about 2011, a year on the heels of a tough one, but that she says will restore hope.

She goes more in-depth in her wonderfully illustrated calendar, The Year Ahead, 2011.

On the Malaise of December 2010

December (2010) was a mixed month, with Mercury retrograde and the tough eclipse (Dec 21st). It’s as if the gears stopped working, then somebody put on the breaks and we just lost momentum. You try to keep up the momentum and you find you just can’t.

Some had tough experiences in December, right before Christmas and to have an eclipse . That can be a cosmic event that makes you feel overwrought. Some feel it right then on December 21st …or some feel it a month later. The mutable signs felt it immediately, and some feel it a little later. (Editor’s Note: the eclipse on Dec. 21st was in Gemini â€" the mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.)

On the New Moon in Capricorn, January 4th, 2011

Now we had a nice eclipse in January. Not everyone had good news, as you can see when you look at the TV screen and see all that’s going on. I would say that for the aggregate, the January eclipse was lovely. And it embodied what I like about this year, and that’s there is a lot of change going on.

Big Change in 2011

Jupiter is changing signs 3 signs this year. And Uranus will change signs for the first time in 84 years. Neptune is going back home to Pisces. It won’t settle down permanently in Pisces until February 2012 but it will move through this year from April 4 to August 4th.

Internet Warms Up with Neptune

It’ll give us a little idea of what life will be like when Neptune goes into Pisces. I get excited when heavy-duty planets go into new signs. We can see that Neptune was asked to set up the Internet with Pluto and Uranus â€" since Neptune has been in Aquarius since 1998.

Uranus, the ruler of technology and innovation was in Aquarius from 1996 to 2003. And then we had Pluto in Sagittarius (1995 to 2008), which rules publishing and dispersion of information. Pluto came by to help out.

Transcending the Coldness of the ‘Net

These planets in these signs set up the internet. And we love it. It’s changed our lives completely. Pluto went on to work on money â€" changing our relationship to money, how we earn it, how we spend it and how we save it. True to Pluto’s demanding nature, it’s forcing all of us to have this meditation on money.

And Neptune’s said, I’ll stay here and keep monitoring these things. Now that Neptune is going into Pisces, I feel that Neptune in Pisces can correct some of the problems we saw developing with the Internet. There’s a certain coldness and anonymity, where someone can purport to be someone else. Especially with the dating sites.

Changing Internet Dating

I saw an article where this social scientist had set up the algorithms for these dating sites and he was dismayed to find that not everyone found someone suitable. He approached the management, and said, “Why don’t we have a phase two.”

He told them, “Let’s write a different program for people who didn’t find someone. He said, “we can go further," and then he left because he was too upset about the process. In so many cases, the technology wasn't connecting people. Something is missing in the equation.

On the Impersonal Dating Scene

And I find among my girlfriends, they say, all he does is text me! All we do is talk on the phone. Aquarius ruled by Uranus has many friends â€" it’s the sign that rules networking, and is a very evolved sign. Aquarians have many friends, but they’re hard to get close to.

The famous Aquarians are so often just beautiful to look at -- Jennifer Anniston, Sarah Palin and the late Paul Newman. They’re so mesmerizing, that even if you don’t agree with them in any way, you can’t help but stop what you’re doing and stare at the TV screen.

But Aquarius is not touchy feely and you add that to the internet â€"- people are putting up their hands and saying I’m never going to meet anyone! Neptune is going into its home planet of Pisces, as I mentioned, from April to August 4th (2011) and will be back February 2012 to stay in Pisces until 2026. This will bring on a major societal shift.

More Face-to-Face Meet-ups

Neptune will retrograde out and back, so that’s quite a long time (to 2026). The sentimental people among us will be excited about this. This will make us want to meet people in person.

When you look at a person’s face and see the muscles, their gestures and expressions, you learn more than in a few words of text.

You can see in long distance relationships that when you get together, it’s exciting, but usually for periods when you drop everything and spend time together. It’s like the movies but not real life. You need to see the person on good days and bad days, and Neptune Pisces will find us moving in that whole spectrum of emotion. We will really have an exciting future here â€" it gives hope to all of us who feel things could be better in our love lives.

A New Vocabulary in Love

Neptune rules the face, so we’ll see technologies like Skype getting better in quality. The upgrade in technologies will enable us to see each other better. We’ll be using our intuition to feel our connection with the world, and we’ll know without words.

Pisces is a right brain sign, and rules gestures, art. We’re all going to learn a new vocabulary in love and I’m excited about it. We’ll be keeping our antennae up.

Jupiter into Aries

Jupiter will go into Aries on January 22nd. Fire signs get their chocolates this year, and they get their chance. Jupiter will be moving so fast like a speeding bullet. Aries is saying, I’m supposed to get a whole year and that’s not much time because Jupiter leaves Aries on June 5th.

And well true, Jupiter usually stays in a sign the whole year . But last summer, we got a little taste of Jupiter Aries, and this time, the bonus is that Jupiter will not retrograde at all. It's full steam ahead!

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