The full Moon on July 18th at 4 am EDT, will surely be one of big energy. The chart promises a mood of intense emotion mixed with somber realizations. It puts the realist (Capricorn) in a softer lunar light, so we might experience soulfully what ground we're standing on. We're drawn into the karma-heavy, rich, musty, earthy caves of our collective past -- the history of real life -- and can find the wisdom of the ages there. With the Sun in Cancer , what's illuminated, is held in a balance with the heart.
It's a moment to meditate on of the gravity of what awaits us when Pluto moves further into this cardinal earth sign. Many are having 'survival fears,' and we're all in this together. Fear is called the epidemic of the West, and one that's been stirred up and amplified by the very institutions that are meant to provide stability. And there are also real reasons to feel on shaky ground.
Double Cancer (Sun-Moon) George Orwell, the author of 1984 and Animal Farm comes up a lot these days, because of the resonance of his themes of social control to life today. Here's a quote I just stumbled on, that speaks to an unnamed sense of impending doom many have. "War, Fascism, concentration camps, rubber truncheons, atomic bombs, etc., are what we daily think about, and therefore to a great extent what we write about, even when we do not name them openly. We cannot help this. When you are on a sinking ship, your thoughts will be about sinking ships." I find it a relief to name these intense fears, instead of stuffing them inside.
The Sun in Cancer puts it against a backdrop of family, both your intimate circle and the human family. With the Sun-Mercury and Uranus in water signs, the idea of Love Conquering All has more weight. But Saturn-ruled Capricorn is not about quick miraculous fixes. This full Moon can infuse us with the kind of energy we need to survive -- resourcefulness, rational thinking, drawing from traditions of the past, good old-fashioned hard work, a willingness to face reality. Jupiter in Capricorn , in retrograde, is a casting back to family or ancestral wisdom, for gifts about how to survive. By learning from the simple, but effective living practices of the past.
It's about taking responsibility for your own survival. And there are allies in Mars and Saturn in Virgo, the sign that fills in the blanks. There's a sense that the race-to-the-bottom has turned into a final sprint. Each of us deserves to weather the storm, but we may have to rely on our own practical wits, not a state or charity, to do that. Learn all you can, and question everything until you find the truth that resonates. A focus with all this earth energy is health, and being informed, so you can be sharper mentally and as free as possible physically of toxins that now are pervasive in our lives.
This full Moon is a communion with the enduring soul of humanity. Being an earth sign, its heights are all the more spectacular because of the roots it sends deep down. The visions for the collective of Capricorns like Joan of Arc and Martin Luther King Jr. resonated in their time, because they were anchored in their historic moment, but reached across the horizon. I've seen many pictures of MLK Jr. surrounded by crowds, arm-in-arm, or lost in a sea of reporters. He was embedded in the struggle, not speaking abstractly, when he made his famous speech, saying, "He's allowed me to go up to the mountain and I've looked over, and I've seen the Promised Land." What can be brought to light now, are visions of how to Evolve, (as in, Evolve or Die,) that speak realistically to where we are, and where we need to go.
In her full Moon message, Lisa Dale Miller writes, "Did you know that most of the great spiritual teachers were born under the Sun sign of Capricorn? Why? To change human consciousness requires a Herculean commitment to achievement no matter how hard or how long the road. This is Capricorn at its best." In the Vedic calendar, it's the Full Moon of the Guru or Guru Purnima, considered a time when divine teachers shower blessings on the planet. Gaia, the Earth, is bathed in energies of renewal, in a sign that remembers her long history.
The Capricorn-Cancer opposition blends two signs that draw in what they need, like great vortexes of energy. Both can appear to brood and go deep within, only to end up surrounding themselves with emotional and material structures that are built to last. This full Moon can root you in the home of the Self, where you take stock of what you've got, and what you need. Capricorn is tough love personified, and allows you to let go of what is no longer working. Now is the time to be as self-loving as possible, and build up your stamina and faith.
The full Moon in this wise old sign takes us to the depths and the peaks, and may bring prophetic dreams about Earth changes. Capricorn is a contemplative sign, but with a paradoxically material plane-based soul force. Its cardinality means it packs a wallop and is initiating. Some sensitives (myself included) are feeling a rumbling from deep within the structure of the Earth, that is both exciting, but promises upheaval, too. It might be a miraculous reshuffling of the forms we've got now, or something much more dramatic. Either way, always know that you'll live on, no matter what. That can lessen the paralysis and depression, and help you dig in, and do what you need to do.
Here's a few ideas: Make a list of actions you can take that will make you more self-sufficient. Experiment with regarding the Earth (animals, plants, elements, Gaia as a whole) with respect, as a teacher with wisdom to share, and establishing a giving and receiving relationship. Assess your fears -- address the ones that are based on reality, and be pro-active to face them. Stop courting fear, or allowing the powers-that-be manipulate your emotions, thoughts or behaviors. Learn about ways your ancestors did more with less. Ask your ancestors, spirit guides, wise teachers, power animals -- and the Earth herself -- for guidance and faith. Learn some practical skills, create a web of support in case of emergencies, research all your possibilities.
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