It's a Neptunian start to the week, to quench your soul's thirst, purify a space or get the imaginative rivers flowing. The transiting Moon in water sign Pisces to mid-week heals with favorable aspects, including a trine to Venus Cancer on Tuesday. A great time to drink in soul food (inspiring art, poetry, images, music), or be near crashing waves or waterfalls.
Since Venus the lover is in the sign of home, Cancer, it's a great time to mist your space, to clear it of any lingering negative charge. I live in a mostly pine and live oak forest, and use the pine sprigs for flicking water, since it's a purifier and leaves a subtle scent.
Neptune's realm is rich in negative ions which are calming, nourishing, and somehow reach the waters that move inside us. Waterfalls, mountain forests, the ocean, in the shower, summer storms (with lightning) - these generate negative ions, for that alert, but relaxed feeling.
When Neptune calls, it's time to seek out or create these places that counter the extraordinary stress many of us are experiencing. You might find more ways to create sacred space, a refuge, or go to those secret spots that refill your well. When I lived in New York City, I had these oasis all over, from a Tibetan museum in Chelsea to a Turkish bathhouse downtown, to the Cloisters and/or the Met, and the Botanical garden in the Bronx. They are places to escape, but paradoxically come home to the soul.
If you've been under strain, or have a sense of hitting a wall, this is good weather for asking spirit for help with impossible situations, especially with family, intimate friends or your beloved. The Cherokee have a tradition of putting someone injured into a river stream, and letting the water heal the wounds. These days we can call on a higher healing force to handle what feels hard, or where we don't see a way out. How do you float in the healing current? Listening to the sound of whales? Soaking in the bath? Getting a massage or energetic healing? A great few days for renewal, miracles of release, and offering all we're carrying that's become too heavy, back to the cosmic sea.
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