The Inuit elders of the Arctic Circle have been observing changes in the position of the Earth, in relation to the Sun and stars. Dr. Mark Sircus of International Medical Veritas Association posted the Inuit video in an essay Wisdom and Warning. Veritas means truth, and Dr. Sircus is a truthteller, putting together a big picture, even if it's looking daunting for our species. He includes scenes of climate chaos from around the world, including that very strange haboob -- the dust cloud that ate Phoenix yesterday.
It's Birthday Week for me, and it's been a joyful one. All while this unnerving drama is going on in the background, and like an elephant in the livingroom, is hard to deny is there. Something big is happening on planet Earth.
Along with that, I came across a sweetly inspiring excerpt -- a tale about a hummingbird -- from the Dirt, the Movie. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai begins by saying, "We are constantly being bombarded by problems....sometimes we can get completely overwhelmed."
In the tale, there's a raging fire, and most of the animals are paralyzed with fear and shock. The littlest creature in the forest, the hummingbird, takes water droplets to the fire. The others think it's a futile act, and wonder why she tries when it's so hopeless. "I'm doing the best I can," says the hummingbird.
I like this little story, especially since the hummingbird is a totem of joy. In Medicine Cards, "Hummingbird can give us the medicine to solve the riddle of the contradiction of duality." That there's great heights and great lows, ecstasy and despair, creation and destruction happening all around us. There's a lot of peace, too, in knowing you're doing the best you can.
Carol Farneti-Foster/Getty Images
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