It's the eve of Neptune's Discovery Day, since it's made a full revolution around the Sun since modern astronomers first spotted it on September 23rd, 1846. In the real-sky or sidereal panorama, Neptune is in the constellation Aquarius. Earth Sky has tips on spotting it with binoculars, orienting with the Waterbearer constellation and a bright star called Fomalhaut.
Agent 37 of the C*I*A*, or Cosmic Intelligence Agency, a global network of "agents of change, living on the edge of chaos," has a video out about Neptune's Return. This looks good and I'll be watching it here in a moment.
How will you celebrate Neptune's "Discovery Day?" Ideas: being on or near the sea, at an aquarium or traveling in glass-bottomed boat; escaping into make-believe, and/or creating films, images, music, dance or poetry; wearing a costume, wig, mask or veil; sleeping (active dreaming) & working on dream "catching;" evoking wonder & enchantment; transcending labels that are walls of illusion; going deep into a sacred mystery; meditation; acts of courageous forgiveness, ecstatic or trance dancing or etheric healing.
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