Tarot together with astrology, is like having illustrations to go with your journal. CJ Wright of Auntie Moon brings news of a daily Sun-Moon reading using Tarot. Shindig Tarot's Tarot Stars looks like a great way to begin making associations between these two complimentary symbolic systems.
The current video is about the transiting Sun in Cancer and Moon in Scorpio. As a Cancer, I've always loved the associated Chariot card, especially when it shows the two horses looking wild-spirited and pointed in different directions. The cardinality (initiatory spirit) is a pull between intense self-protection instincts, and the desire to be close and belong. And the pull toward what feels like Home, the familiar and secure, with an equally strong pull toward being a pioneer of feeling as a leader, artist, parent or partner.
The moves made by the Chariot have deep emotional reverberations, and therefore require active engagement of all the senses and intelligences. Sun in Cancer season is a time for family, reminiscing, reliving vividly felt memories, and feeling the roots of origin, ancestry and tradition.
This weekend's Moon Scorpio brings up talk of the Death card, a point in the journey when something is decaying and breaking down to its most potent form. In the piles of debris, when allowed to transform, the old is the fertile composted ground for the seeds of the new to grow.
Sun and Moon harmonize on Sunday in these formidable water signs (Cancer-Scorpio), making it a time for soul level epiphanies from all that's being churned up.
This am, the energies and aspects of late conjured the word sensitized, and healing from being desensitized. It might show up as a thawing out, and releasing more raw energy and power, from resolving issues of the past. It's also good cosmic weather for disengaging from whatever hooks our energies, especially what's draining or degrading. The forecast isn't for easy times with loved ones, but very real, honest, cathartic moments that feel truthful because they have roots in the heart and soul.
Chariot Tarot Card/Visconti di Modrone, circa. 1466 Talk astrology in the Discussion Forum, | Join me on Facebook | Follow me on Twitter!
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