Mass Awakening There's a waking up going on...are you tuning in? David Icke says that the waking up happens instinctually, as DNA in one is triggered, it lights up another. And that's why it can appear that ideas catch on simultaneously around the globe. 90% of our DNA is considered "junk," but what if it holds the key to our divine potential. If we are each a biological computer, and DNA is the receiving apparatus, then the synapses are firing....we are waking up.
Humanity at the Crossroads There's a recurring theme if you scratch below the superficial layer of what passes for shared reality. It's the idea that we're in a pivotal crossroads of humanity, between freedom and enslavement. British researcher David Icke has emerged into the spotlight, as more people find resonance with what he says. And that's the idea that there's a real Matrix in operation. And that it keeps us in a limited awareness, and separated from our divine infinite potential. Who is doing this? And is it intentional, or just the way things are unfolding naturally?
A Global Conspiracy? Icke's research points to a global conspiracy of the elites of this world - the wealthy and royal families, along with secret power structures and the banking/oil/media cartels. He's come up with the phrase Problem-Reaction-Solution to describe how a hidden hand manipulates events on a global scale for an intended effect. One of the agendas of this global elite, says Icke and others, is the fulfillment of a vision for a New World Order, the same one mentioned often by George H.W. Bush while he was President. The outcome for average Joe's and the simple folk of the world under this plan is not a sunny one. It's a plan for increasing control over a docile, small population that is cut off from its awareness of divine potential. Is he crazy? People used to think so, but more are finding out that there's a man behind the curtain and things that seemed random, could actually be orchestrated events.
Who is David Icke? In the early 1990s, David Icke had a mindblowing mystical experience while traveling in Peru. He came back and was not shy to talk about it on UK TV. Not ready to deal with such things, the public there turned him into a national joke. Nearly two decades later, and after many of his predictions have come true, more people are taking another look at his strange truths about reality. In 2008, he speaks to large crowds, on an agenda ominously gaining momentum, like the move toward a Big Brother state in both the UK and US. He uses diagrams, pictures and humor to offer another view, the reality beyond the Matrix.
David Icke and Astrology What does David Icke have to do with astrology, you might ask? Because his work delves into the unseen energy grids that affect our lives. His mission seems to be to remind us of our infinite divinity, so we're able to claim what's coming in these doorway years of 2012.
Astrology is a study of light energies, in order to claim your highest potential, and become aware of your intimate connection to the cosmos. Many are waking, and finding that something is not quite right. The powers that be seem to have goals and are rushing toward them, but what are they? One of David Icke's more controversial theories is that a reptilian bloodline has intermingled with humans since the beginning of time. And that this hybrid bloodline, has been placed in key positions of power, and is the hidden hand of power in our world, sometimes known as the Illuminati. They are holders of ancient wisdom, according to David Icke, and thus consider themselves the Illuminated Ones.
The Quest for Truth Even as these dark alliances consolidate and accelerate their influence, there's the mass awakening going on that is igniting curiosity about the truth. More are probing (Pluto) beyond the corporate-control of managed knowledge (Sagittarius), and real secrets are being revealed at the end of this cycle. There's plenty of evidence that the global powers want a populace that is comfortably numb and vibrating at a low frequency in mind, body and spirit. David Icke's work connects the dots, and makes sense of the big picture. It lends clarity, so that you're able to make decisions that give you a fighting chance.
David Icke is just one of the many guides that have been on a personal initiation, in order to guide us through the coming challenges. It might seem too way out there for you, but if you keep an open mind, the rewards for stretching your awareness are so very valuable.
Love Can Save the Day And while this sounds like a dark vision, his main message is that Love can save the day. And that everything else is an illusion, if we're ready to see the multi-dimensional nature of the universe beyond the manufactured reality. It's awaiting us if we're ready to evolve in this transitional time to the next level, fully aware of our divinity as part of a cosmos bigger and more exquisite than we ever imagined.
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