My eyes have been brimming with watery tears of late, quite possibly a phenomenon of Neptune nearly at my Ascendant (or Rising sign). Not all tears of sadness, but of soul cleansing, fullness, release. As if all the big emotion can't be contained and is spilling out of the windows of my soul. It feels like another big thaw.
Venus is in watery Cancer now (July 3rd to 28th), and in a higher love trine to Neptune (Pisces). Venus Cancer makes for strong love urges toward belonging, protecting what you love, and reliving memories. It brings on nesting, intimate gatherings, creating an atmosphere of home. The Venus-Neptune trine love supreme, experiences of the transcendent, where love for family extends to the human family -- and plant and animal kingdoms of the Earth home. All the relations.
I had a super emotional birthday that began with tears and ended with a peaceful, full feeling in the heart. I got a lot of love yesterday, including one mysterious message from an unknown source saying, "Happy Birthday Cutie Pie!" It's a challenge for me to receive love, being one that has such a strong instinct to give (even if depleted) -- so I was making room for that. I had a meaningful correspondence with astrologer/mythologist John Lash of metahistory.org, whose writings nourish me mind-body-soul. At the Venus-Neptune trine, this drew my focus, "Love is a cosmic force of supernatural magic."
Later, my husband and I set up for massage exchange and movie watching -- the choice was Metropia, an animated vision of the future. I lasted about twenty minutes, because I am so over these grim visions of a future devoid of human emotion and caring....total alienation in a depleted, colorless world. It felt good to turn it off.
During this Venus Cancer transit, we might see more breaking that face of anonymity, and coming together to overcome the extreme challenges some of us face, and even thrive. In A Love Alchemist's Notebook, Jessica Shepherd writes about Venus Cancer, "A gentle and heartfelt water sign, you're the first to notice when a person needs help, and you're the first to come to their aid. You embody unconditional love and dispense it practically -- be it through a good meal, emotional nourishment or spiritual support."
Her book is THE best I've seen on finding a soulmate, which she advises is about being soulful. A strong theme is to trust love's timing, because sometimes it's wiser to be alone and find love there, in your own relationship to the world. With Venus Cancer, now, feelings of homesickness could bubble up, a desire to be with those who feel like family. It's a good time to connect with old friends or family, or make your place (living space, neighborhood, town) more homey.
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